ice storm poe
ice storm poe

2023年7月12日—Icyboltsraindownoverthetargetedarea.Theyexplodewhenlanding,dealingdamagetonearbyenemiesandchillingthem,aswellascausing ...,IcestormisacoldspellonlyavailablethroughTheWhisperingIceTheWhisperingIceVileStaffWarstaffQuality:+20%Physical...

[3.23] Ice Dancing Queen - IcestormCycloneCI

2022年8月18日—IcestormdamagescalesfromInt,thereforeIntisthemainstat.Thebuildisimmunetoallelementalailments,corruptedblood(optional),and ...

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2023年7月12日 — Icy bolts rain down over the targeted area. They explode when landing, dealing damage to nearby enemies and chilling them, as well as causing ...

Icestorm - Path of Exile Wiki

Icestorm is a cold spell only available through The Whispering IceThe Whispering IceVile StaffWarstaffQuality: +20%Physical Damage: 49.2-91.2Critical Strike ...


+1 to Level of Socketed Support Gems Grants Level 1 Icestorm Skill (14–18)% increased Intelligence (8–12)% increased Cast Speed

The Whispering Ice - Path of Exile Wiki

The Ice Storm skill has undergone a significant rebalance, with larger impacts falling in a smaller area meaning you are significantly more likely to hit ...

[3.21]Whispering Ice Icestorm Trickster Build

2023年5月17日 — Icestorm is a peculiar Skill, accessible only by equipping The Whispering Ice Staff. The Skill is a simple one, very similar to Firestorm, ...

[3.23] Ice Dancing Queen - IcestormCycloneCI

2022年8月18日 — Icestorm damage scales from Int, therefore Int is the main stat. The build is immune to all elemental ailments, corrupted blood (optional), and ...

[3.23] Icestorm Cyclone Ascendant Guide

A Path of Exile Guide for intelligence stacking Icestorm Cyclone Ascendant (Scion) using the Whispering Ice Staff. Includes the skill tree and the best ...


Icestorm 傳奇/1 ⍟. 圖示. 名字. 冰點低語毒牙長杖. 持長杖時+18% 攻擊傷害格擋率. 此物品插槽 ... firestorm drop ground ice duration ms [500] is area damage [1] skill ...


2023年7月12日—Icyboltsraindownoverthetargetedarea.Theyexplodewhenlanding,dealingdamagetonearbyenemiesandchillingthem,aswellascausing ...,IcestormisacoldspellonlyavailablethroughTheWhisperingIceTheWhisperingIceVileStaffWarstaffQuality:+20%PhysicalDamage:49.2-91.2CriticalStrike ...,+1toLevelofSocketedSupportGemsGrantsLevel1IcestormSkill(14–18)%increasedIntelligence(8–12)%increasedCastSpeed,TheIc...

3DMARK - Android 手機螢幕顯示效能評測工具

3DMARK - Android 手機螢幕顯示效能評測工具
